• Certified traditional craftsman of Tokyo
  • Certified traditional craftsman of Edo Kiriko cut glass, a Traditional Craft designated by the minister for Economy, Trade and Industry
  •  Awarded the Order of the Sacred Treasure, Silver Rays

1938, Born in Nagano prefecture

1953, Began apprenticeship of Edo Kiriko cut glass

1966, Opened his own studio

1990~, his works have been awarded many times for the annual Exhibition of  Edo Kiriko New Works

2012, Awarded the Order of the Sacred Treasure, Silver Rays

2014~, One of the first partners of collaboration project between Arita-yaki and other traditional crafts

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瀧澤 利夫

  • 東京都伝統工芸士
  • 経済産業大臣指定伝統工芸品「江戸切子」伝統工芸士
  • 瑞宝単光章受賞

1938年  長野県生まれ 15歳から切子硝子の修業、28歳で工房を構える

1990年  第2回「江戸切子新作展」に入選、以来毎年入選、受賞多数

2012年  春の叙勲にて「瑞宝単光章」を受章


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